1 Mar 2016


March's Featured Author: 
David Wind

1) Your Journey as an Author…..when I was 12 and discovered science fiction and fantasy through Edgar Rice Burroughs, Doc EE Smith, and Andre Norton, to name a few. This grew into an obsession the older I became, which spread into many genres, but held to one type of reading, fiction (My favorites are sci-fi/fantasy & thrillers). By the time I was fifteen, I began writing, but to be truthful, I was horrible. I gave up for a couple of years. (Writing, not reading – reading I consumed 3-5 books a week) I started writing again in college, but what I wrote was so bad I wouldn’t show to another person. Again, I put it aside. Then, when I was thirty, I decided to write a novel just to see if I really could. I did: it sucked, but it was better than the last three novels I’d read, so I started forward. Not with that book, but with another. It took a couple of more years to be published, (There was no Amazon then) and I did! In the mid-eighties, I wrote a fantasy and asked my then agent, if she could find a way to have Andre Norton read and give me a cover quote. Somehow, she did, and the quote came in and it was lovely. Andre had always been my idle; even after I discovered he was a she, who had broken into Science Fiction by using a man’s name. We began writing to each other and over a course of years and during that time, she mentored me and taught me more about being a writer than I’d ever known. That brought me to the next stage of my career, which is…writing because I love creating, and writing what I want, not what a publisher thinks will sell!

2) What reading means to you.....Reading opened my eyes to the world. Reading turned my brain from a pre-pubescent addle-brained boy into someone who was able to visualize the world, not as it was, but as he wanted it to be. Reading entertained me when there was nothing around. Reading would lift my spirits and ease any depression. Novels were my teachers; but most importantly, reading taught me how to write, and taught me as well, how to write the types of books I love to read! 

3) Whats next for you.....I’m finishing up the third and final short story for the back-story of Tales Of Nevaeh. Each of these short stories has been released as a free book.  When this is put to be, I think I’ll take a break before starting the next Tales story and write another thriller.  Perhaps it’s time to bring back one of the protagonists from one of my thrillers.  Maybe Raymond Hyte of The Hyte Maneuvers, or Gabe Storm, of Angels In Mourning.  I’ll see when the time comes.  (Ideas are percolating as I type this). 
